Starting a Business From An idea ..!

Saturday, October 24, 2009 For those who intend to start a business, generally the first problem faced is the question of what businesses should run.
Questions that seem trivial are, in fact has a huge weight means and so determine the future of the company to be established it. In fact, likely to determine their own future entrepreneur. So, how is the best way to determine the field of business?

According to the logic, an effort likely to go smoothly is the level of effort a little competition, but the level of consumer demand high. Of course with the assumption that the determinants of others are met. In order to suppress the level of competition to as small as possible, then the product should be sold a product that has the original characteristics, has not been made by others, or if the product is a product that already exists, should have added value not possessed by the product competitors.

Many events show that the tendency of people to start businesses is to follow the trend given moment. For example, if today a lot of people set up shop (home-store), then assuming that demand much effort it would be beneficial, then a gang co-founder of shophouses. Patterns of thinking like this too oversimplify, as if to equate the business trends with fashion trends. In the field of fashion, if currently in vogue crew-cut hair cut (short cut) for example, there is no problem for anyone to imitate. However, if we follow the business sector have so many other people run it, then we go into a land that is already crowded with competition. It is difficult for us to grow in such a situation, especially when we are newcomers who are "late" (late).

Since the years 1970s, the pattern of "adherents trend" is a lot of people do on those areas which quickly became saturated, as established theater, nightclubs, taxis, commercial private radio stations, discotheques, founded the apartment, RSS (really simple house) , wartel (telecom shop) and others.

In the financial sector even fashionable for some good businessman or not, to go play the forex (foreign exchange), stock markets and even commodities. Not a little of their limited knowledge about these areas joining in play, then suddenly, without knowing anything about the reason, the money given can not be prevented disappear again. Something like this is too horrible to each candidate experienced by entrepreneurs who have ideals.

Alex S. Nitisemito in his book "Starting a Small Business With a Capital", provides a good example of an apple orchard owner who one day found a fallen apple birds ate the ground marks. Because of these apples were smelling the wine, there arose the idea to establish a business drinks apple juice.

Such an original idea. Not counterfeit or copied the ideas of others. Henry Ford started with the idea to create a good car for the masses with affordable prices, and business success. So is Bill Gates who wish to "computerize" the whole world, it flew so quickly became the king of universal computer.

Idea or ideas are not always just come unexpectedly, so people will not be able to know when the idea was to come. Do not wait for inspiration, or expect magic whisper in a dream while sleeping. The idea should be pursued, thinking and searchable. This corroborating evidence that entrepreneurship is the "brain work" rather than "muscle work". Ideas can come and happen at any time, then we must always be vigilant. Like the example above, the owner of the orchard is in a state of alert so that he could spark a big idea based on a small incident. If not, thousands of ex-eaten apple falling bird up ground, decomposing remains without meaning anything to anyone.!


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